Saturday, February 22, 2020

Benefits Of Sanki Global Products

Sanki Global is an international company of Japanese origin whose mission is to generate well-being around the world.  It  was officially launched in February 2010 and was the product of the union between Alejandro López Tello and his founding partners Gert and Ensy Müller. Sanki a global health and wellness company headquartered in Las Vegas, USA with offices in Mexico, Japan, France and Spain. Sanki uses a new technology designed for increasing longevity and health and develops, distributes and markets advanced Nano-biotechnology products for cellular nutrition.

Meaning of Company Name - SANKI:

The meaning of Sanki in Japanese is the reflection of higher ideals and its foundation is based in a holistic lifestyle.

“San”, means honor, or respect in the highest degree and “Ki”, means vital energy, which is a force generating life and strength of spirit. It is the sum of balance, purity, technology and health.


Sanki Global's technology is to extend and enrich the quality of life through cellular nutrition made possible through Japanese Technology patented by Sanki™. The natural nanoparticles of their products reach the interior of cells, specifically the mitochondria, and this generates positive changes from within the human body.

Sanki scientists continue to show that the body is the ultimate tool for creating lasting health. With the right diet and the right supplements, our bodies can do what they were created to do - keep us healthy. The body has an incredible ability to heal itself and Sanki gives you the knowledge and supplements you need to dramatically improve the quality of your life.


Sanki's innovative supplements (BelAge, Kronuit, Inner 7 and Hasaki) help your body to do what it was meant to do – repair itself from the ravages of poor diet and environmental toxins.


Currently people suffer from a chronic lack of energy and that is also associated with our cells. Our cells need energy to move, divide, and contract.

The mitochondria provides that energy and mitochondrial malfunction correlates with insulin resistance, which is, type 2 diabetes and obesity.


The benefits of using BelAge™ are the increase in hydration at the cellular level and the boost of energy production by improving mitochondrial function.

BelAge™ uses a patented formula called ADS™ (Advanced Delivery System™), which ensures a controlled release of it’s active ingredients.

ADS™ controls the release at specific sites of the body and prevents the destruction of the active ingredients in the stomach before the nutrients can be absorbed by the intestine during digestion - the key stage of proper absorption.

BelAge™ also uses Orisod Enzyme III which generates an increase in the activity of the main enzymes Nano-Antioxidants SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), GPx (Glutathione Peroxidase) and Catalase (CAT), improving the liver's detoxification capacity.


Knronuit Fire created it's own ONR™ (Oxylia Night Reset), which contains black bean, olive and rosemary extracts that help reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars in the foods you eat.

It also uses its ADS™ (Advanced Delivery System) technology that allows the active ingredient to get where it has to go.

Kronuit™ Fire activates thermogenesis - the generation of heat in the body naturally - to decrease the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars in food. It also helps to speed up your metabolism, along with eliminating fat tissue, thus reducing the occurrence of Metabolic Syndrome.

Metabolic Syndrome is a condiction that originates from the impact of sugars in foods on the human body, with negative effects at the cellular level. 

Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, which increase your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 Diabetes. 

These conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

The ingredients of Kronuit™ Fire - black beans, olive, rosemary and green tea - reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars in food. This, in turn, lessens the occurence of Metabolic Syndrome and significantly lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 Diabetes.

According to the World Health Organization, this syndrome affects 10% of men and 14% of women.


Kronuit™ Fire has a plethora of benefits that include:

1) Anti-Glycemic Activity

Kronuit™ Fire chose to use black beans because they have been shown to have strong antiglycemic properties that reduce the level of sugar after each meal.

2) Restoration of Cell Damage

Olive, rosemary and green tea are recognized for their significant antioxidant activity to combat the effects of free radicals.

3) Activates Thermogenesis

The green tea used in TOG™, increases the ability to generate heat in the body to remove adipose tissue.

TOG™ - Green Tea Polyphenol™ is a formula that stimulates thermogenesis, protects the body from oxidative damage and helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).

To make TOG™, Sanki Mayor™ controls its own green tea plantation in Kyoto, Japan. It is part of Sanki's commitment to produce products with the highest quality standards.

Inner 7:

Having a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a loss of essential minerals in addition to the alkalinity in your body. This loss can cause multiple diseases such as migraines, kidney stones, high blood pressure, diabetes and other conditions.

Inner7™, enriched with magnesium and essential minerals, supports the alkalization of your body along with boosting hormonal balance, as well as preventing the decalcification and demineralization of your body.

The Intelligent Balance of Inner7 ™ will allow you to recover essential minerals for your well-being, improving intestinal transit - the time it takes for food to travel from your mouth through your digestive tract to your anus - and balancing your body’s pH.

Inner7 ™ contains Vita-Metabolites ™ and Bio-Minerals that come from deep sea water, extracted at 321 meters deep. It is naturally enriched with 52 mg of magnesium per milliliter, the second most abundant element within human cells.

Additionally it consists of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E.


1) Avoid Decalcification

Inner7 ™ contributes to the pH balance in the body thereby avoiding its decalcification and demineralization.

2) Anti-Stress Effect

Inner7 ™ improves resistance and adaptability to all types of stressors, favoring the thermal balance of the body, helping blood circulation.

3) Intestinal Health

Inner7 ™ is absorbed immediately by the intestines, improving bowel movement after a few minutes.

4) Promotes Natural Energy

Inner7 ™ supports hormonal balance and allows you to renew the natural energy of the body.


Sanki Global™ was inspired to develop Hasaki™ to combat the lack of quality nutrients in contemporary food that is causing degenerative illnesses affecting millions of people worldwide.

Because these illnesses are linked to intestinal health, Hasaki™ was created to repair the microbiota, delivering bioactive molecules to our body that increase the diversity of our good intestinal microbiota and boost protein absorption by 20%.


The Intelligent Nutrition of Hasaki™ contains 596 different Vita-Metabolites™ that will boost your metabolism, increase your energy, and change the way you understand your diet. Made with cellular and nutrient recovery in mind, Hasaki™ will reach your mitochondria to reduce the oxidative damage related to fatigue and rapid aging.

In addition to the 596 different Vita-Metabolites™, Hasaki™ contains enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, vegetable and animal proteins that make it a very complete food.

1) Brain Function

With Hasaki™, brain activity increases with improved blood circulation as a result of the neurotransmitter stimulating polyphenols found in the main ingredient - cacao (never cocoa).

2) Hormonal Balance

Hasaki™ ensures that balance is restored in the brain as well as the body. A healthy level of testosterone, linked to weight loss, control, and energy is established with long term use.

3) Energy For Mitochondria

Hasaki™ protects the mitochondria from oxidative damage and age-related failures while increasing energy, because good health begins at the cellular level.

4) Micro-Circulation

Hasaki™iImproves microcirculation, optimizing consumption and increasing protein absorption by 20%.


The bacterial strain, Lactobacillus Plantarum is used to ferment the cocoa beans contained in Hasaki™ using a bioreactor through a process known as cold fusion. This process, developed by Sanki Mayor™ labs in Tokyo, Japan, stabilizes temperatures during the fermentation process, generating our Bovia™ formula.


Bovia™ is our patented formula that contains 596 different Vita-Metabolites™ - molecules linked to chemical reactions that support the body’s metabolism. These Vita-Metabolites™ are a result of the biodiversity of the Soconusco area where the cacao used to create Hasaki™ is sourced; in the southwest corner of the state of Chiapas in Mexico. This cacao also contains the highest content of Hydro-Polyphenols™, a naturally occurring element linked to cardiovascular health and antioxidant activity.

In conclusion, the benefits of Sanki Global Products are outstanding. By entering the body's cells via a liquid medium, and cleaning out the mitochrdria, it ensures that cells remain clean and healthy and will therefore function at its optimal level. Whatever, diseases the body may have will be alleviated and removed from your system. That includes cancerous tumours, arthritis, diabetes and even Lupus.

Sanki Global's philosophy is that we can feel young at any age. Sanki's vision is to unite and lead people worldwide to incorporate comprehensive wellness in their lives so they can look better, feel better and live better.

Independent entrepreneurs, also known as Wellness Advisors share the company's message. If you wish to become a Wellness Advisor spreading the good news about Sanki Global's products and getting rewarded to do so, you can Join Here.

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